Artistic - Scopri
Il progetto sosterrà la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale immateriale e cercherà soluzioni su come rendere sostenibili i progetti locali.The marketability and sustainability of ICH (Slovakia)

In the preparation period institutions identified as stakeholders in stakeholder analysis were contacted. Communication was kept with contact person by phone or mail to make pre arrangement of an interview and agree a term of meeting. For interviews we used a “Interview guide” adapted to table form in Slovak language and translated questionnaire. In the beginning of the interview we provided information about the project and our challenge for implementation. Through unformed introduction and talks we built very friendly atmosphere during the interview.
- Creato il: 26/02/2019
- Tipo: Documento
- Lingua:
- Tags: D.t1.2.1 Wp T1 A.t1.2 Slovakia Sopk Pp12
- Bisogno: Statistiche e tendenze di mercato
- Area: ICH - Capitale Culturale Intangibile