Artistic - Felfedezés
The project will support valorise intangible cultural heritage and look for solutions on how to make local projects sustainable.t2i together with Produzioni dal Basso promotes 5 projects for the valorisation of cultural heritage

The press conference was held on Zoom on Thursday 7 May t2i - Technology Transfer and Innovation - consortium company dedicated to innovation, founded by the Chambers of Commerce of Treviso-Belluno, Verona and Venice-Rovigo - promotes the European ARTISTIC project, aimed at enhancing the intangible cultural heritage in partnership with Produzioni dal Basso,, the first Italian crowdfunding and social innovation platform. [...]
- Létrehozva: 07/05/2020
- Típus: Dokumentum
- Nyelv:
- Tagek: Artistic Press Conference Produzioni Dal Basso Coworking
- Szükséglet: Projektanyagok
- Területek: Üzleti szolgáltatások Kultúra és művészet Kézművesség, kézműipar ICH - Szellemi kulturális örökség (SZKÖ)