Podnikatelské poradenství a asistenční služby
La conferenza stampa di presentazione si è svolta su Zoom giovedì 7 maggio Treviso, 7 maggio 2020...
Tool for the improvement of communication skills (D.T2.1.5) - Light version in Hungarian language
Tool to foster financing methods (D.T2.1.4) - Light version in Hungarian language
Tool for IPR Safeguarding (D.T2.1.3) - Light version in Hungarian language
Tool for the identification of local ICH initiatives - Light version in Hungarian language
Nástroj na zlepšenie komunikačných zručností
Document containing the strategy to valorise Intangible cultural heritage in CE area. It focuses on...
Document describing the service to support ICH local actors to improve communication skill in order...
Document describing tools addressed to private investors to increase their knowledge of ICH sector a...
Document describing tools for the elaboration of a plan for IPR protection and safeguarding of Intan...
Document describing tools useful for the identification of intangible cultural heritage initiatives...
In allegato trovate il documento "ARTSTIC: Strategia per la valorizzazione del Capitale Culturale Im...
Virtual ICH local desks established in each Partner's region. Animated by local ICH mediators it pro...
Identification, is the first step towards valorization: identifying and showing means promoting and...
This document focus on financing and on the ICH sustainability in different ways. It is aimed at ass...